The summer of 2011 in the Northeastern U.S. was hardly auspicious for stargazing or astro-imaging. Humid, hazy days turned into humid, hazy nights and the bane of hungry misquitos was unending. Still, a few half hearted images were obtained during the few relatively clear, moonless nights.
M8 - The Lagoon NebulaThe sprawling stellar nursery in Sagittarius.

The above image, a twenty minute exposure, was taken on June 30.
NGC5146 - The Coccoon Nebula
Located about 4,000 light years distant, the Coccoon Nebula is a shell of hydrogen gas surrounding the open star cluster, NGC 5146.

The above image, a one hour exposure, was taken on June 30.
M17 - The Swan NebulaLocated in Sagittarius, the Swan Nebula (also called the Omega Nebula) spans 15 light years in diameter. At about 5,500 light years distant, it is one of the summer's gems, visible on a dark night in small telescopes and even binoculars.

The above image, a 50 minute exposure, was taken on July 2.
NGC 5070 - The Pelican Nebula
A sprawling emission nebula in Cygnus, the Pelican Nebula lies near the even larger North American Nebula (NGC7000), about 1,800 light years distant.

The above image, which captures only part of the nebula, a 20 minute exposure, was taken on July 2.