NGC 2244 - Rossette Nebula
Appearing in the constellation of Monoceros (the Unicorn), the Rossette Nebula (NGC 2237, 2238, 2239 & 2246) is a large, circular complex of pinkish nebulosity surrounding the open star cluster NGC 2244. The swirling waves of gas and dust in the nebula give it the appearance - and hence the name - of an open rose with glittering diamonds at its center. The nebula and cluster are about 5,200 light years away.

The above image combines exposures captured in December 2009 with additional exposures captured in December 2010 to create an image with a total exposure time of 227 minutes (almost four hours).

This image, taken on December 8, 2010, comprised 13, 240-second subexposures for a total exposure time of 52 minutes.
NGC 1499 - California Nebula
This is a large emission nebula appearing in the constellation Perseus. The nebula's unique shape suggests the outline of the state of California to many observers. NGC 1499 is about 1,000 light years distant.

The above image was composed from 14, 240-second subexposures, for a total exposure time of 56 minutes.
IC 434 - The Horsehead and Flame Nebulas
The famous horsehead nebula, appearing just south of Alnitak, the eastern-most star in Orion's belt, is one of the most recognized objects in the night sky (when seen in long exposure photography, of course). The horsehead itself is actually a jet of sooty dust that happens to appear in front of an cloud of ionized hydrogen gas (the pink glow). The orange-colored nebula that appears beneath the bright star in the images below is the Flame Nebula. This nebula is the result if ultraviolet light from the star Alnitak striking a nearby cloud of hydrogen gas and dust.

The above image combines subexposures taken in September, November and December 2009 and December 2010 to produce a image with a total exposure time of three hours and twenty one minutes (193 minutes).