Monday, May 30, 2011

May 28, 2011


The great globular cluster in Hercules, comprising about 300,000 stars packed into a rough sphere about 160 light years across. The cluster, the largest visible globular cluster in the Northern Sky is about 25,000 light years distant.

A 21 minute exposure. Note the small galaxy (IC4617) at the very top of the image. The galaxy is, of course, millions of light years distant.

M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula

A jewel of the summer sky, M27 is a planetary nebula easily identifiable due to its hourglass shape in the constellation Vulpecula (south of Cygnus).

The above image is a 30 minute exposure.

March & April 2011

The above image is a three hour exposure of the spiral galaxy M81 (sometimes called Bode's Galaxy, left) and the irregular galaxy M82 in Ursa Major.
The above image is a two hour exposure of the large spiral galaxy M101 (sometimes called the Pinwheel Galaxy) also in Ursa Major.
The above image is a combination of several images of M101, for a total exposure time of about four hours.
The Whirlpool Galaxy, M51. Total exposure time of three hours.